Originally posted by McAttack
Hehe, well Tucker is actually a real nice guy in real life. I used to see him when he played for Montreal at the bar I worked at. Corson was always a bit of a dick and I htikn his real reason for leaving are more personal than his ice-time. His wife and him aren't doing too well so maybe it's better that he doesn't have to think about the team right now, take care of his own thing at home.
I can't say for SURE, but when this guy came back to Montreal, he was supposed to be the "new" Corson, much more mature. And he was in the beginning, but then he was back in the bars a lot, not like in his first round in Montreal where he and Chelios were known in all the bars, but still very present and very... liberal with the beers.
But just so you know Sherie, cause it looks like you have a bit of a crush on Tucker, he is a great guy. Real nice guy to talk to, or at least he was back in his Montreal days. He's a psycho on the ice now, so who knows! Must be all that SARS in Toronto.
I have heard that about Corson. I feel bad for my last Whiney Pants comment. It's awful to have to leave something that you enjoy so much for reasons like that. Perhaps he and his wife wouldn't have so many problems if he just kept to sleeping with her LOL!
LOL Yes I do have a bit of a crush on Tucker, he is HOT and crazy mental on the ice. He seems like a real nice guy off the ice. Yep, it's the SARS that are making people crazy, you silly

Watch out, I could snap at any moment haha!