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Thread: Office or Home?
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Old 04-18-2003, 10:33 AM   #4
Cyndalie is not it.
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I work in an office building that is like 1/2th of a mile from home, so kinda like the best of both worlds. A - I get out of the House B - I dont have to go far and C - Low cost in Gas, going home for lunch (or nookie) hehe and low wear/tear on my car.

Only drawback I could live without is the office politics. Even a little is too much for me. I hate how if I'm deep in thought and concentrating people fell welcome to just walk up and start talking not realizing they are interrupting anything, or if I'm not smiling 100% of the time all I hear is "what's wrong" from my boss or something who just wanders around all day making small talk. Get's tiring when all you want to do is get your work done and to the best of your ability.
It's programming, not personality that makes the web work.

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