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Old 08-29-2002, 02:08 PM   #16
DynaMite should edit this
Citizen X
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Ok I have a better idea.....why not instead of giving expensive prices
deposit for each X amount of posts a cetain amount of money in a bank
account......at the end of the year we have also collect from the
members of the board and chose a charity destination for the total

That way for once we show that our industy cares about more stuff
then just making money.....chatting will besides having fun and doing
business also have a benefit for people with less luck than us.

Do we really need another Xbox or playstation.....do we really need
another toy.....I know probably yes.....but wouldn't it make you
somewhat feel good if for example we can donate every year

a certain amount to a foundation that fulfills dreams for terminal
child patients.....a trip to disneyland...to swim with dolfins or whatever
possible to give these kids at least 1 day to forget all the hassle they
are going through?

I don't know if this is a good idea for a place like this but it sure would
be great if we all support something like this and can make it happen.

I have nothing useful to say
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