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Old 04-22-2003, 12:28 AM   #24
McAttack should edit this
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Originally posted by adam69
Being a fetish site the HUN never really worked for me I guess because I am more softcore than anything. I am not sure how great the traffic is why join a website when you can go to the HUN and see BJ's, threesomes, girl/girl etc all on one website. Thats just my opinion though. Smart move posting on free server though because the bandwith is a killer.
But that's the thing, TheHun is very easy to notice what is posted there. Sales do happen. I'm not saying you'll get a 1:75 ratio from him, but you can convert, or else why would the same gusy ALWAYS be paying for top 10 spots? It's not cause they're dumb and are just wasting their money. They know what works there and they go a lot.
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Fuck a sheep? That's disgusting! Fuck a cartoon in bondage? That's sweet!</a>
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