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Thread: SARS update.
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Old 04-22-2003, 12:32 AM   #6
McAttack should edit this
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Originally posted by Kath

Hope everyone who went to the Toronto gathering this weekend drank enough alcohol to kill any virus that might try to sneak in. lol We webmasters are pretty good at that at least.

Man, my partners didn't want to go because of SARS, so I went alone and tried to cover all the bases. I'm not afraid of it, cause well fuck it, if I die, I die. Better that than having a heartattack while taking a crap at the age of 92.

But on the train BACK. The girl that is sitting is front of me (who was a nice piece of eye candy to begin with) starts coughing. And Turning to the side to cough to, so it hits the window and comes to me..... I didn't think of it at first, but after about 3 hours on the train, I'm thinking "Damn.... what if it's Sars?"

I'm gonna quarantine myself at home with beer and vodka. Make my partners work a little, punishment for ditching me!
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