Originally posted by Vid Vicious
and a state wide medical emergency ...
How long has Ontario been a state mon estee ??
Yeah ... the Chelsea tried their best to hold us down, but even they couldn't ... hah! Saturday night there was like SIX hotel security came to the room for the 3rd call ... they decided they were going to stand there until ppl left ... after 20 minutes, they became like part of the room furnishings, and the party continued .... LMAO !!
To all the wonderful sponsors ... YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE ... or have been mentioned by everybody so many times already anyways, there is no need for me to rhyme them all off again ... YOU GUYS FUGGN ROCKED !!
This was our first year, and is expected to be a learning experience ... but I am 150% convinced that we have laid the foundations needed to put on an even better show next year !! It only gets bigger and better from here baby !!!
Now I have to go finish packing for my move to Montreal on Saturday ...
Watch out all you Montrealers .... I'm soon on my way to wreak havoc on your fine town !!!

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