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Old 04-23-2003, 02:47 AM   #1
adam69 should edit this
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Question Looking For Model Advice

Just a quick question for you guys maybe you can help. I would like to know what the best method (websites, newspapers, magazines etc.) is to attain models.

I am currently in the Las Vegas area and I thought it would be extremely easy to find models for my site. Actually its been difficult.

First off I will admit I am picky when it comes to the models I choose because we are basically not doing any hardcore or penetration at all we shoot full nude softcore shots basically all pantyhose, nylon and foot fetish stuff. So when I do pick a models I really try to find a girl with a killer smile, nice hair, well manicured, and great legs. Tatoos I will not shoot unless there is only one or very small. I just find them extremely unattractive and choose not too shoot them.

I have never tried strip clubs just for the fact I stare at this shit all day and dont feel like looking at it on my time off LOL plus I figure they hear all sorts of bullshit lines so when someone legit like me makes an offer it probably isnt even given a second thought.

Basically my pay rate is 100 an hour with a 3 hour minimum, I also include in the email that my wife is always with me at the shoot at all times and also to assist with costumes, ideas etc. We have been here 4 years and have a very good reputation with the few models we have shot. Basically the site of course is all about my wife but I would love to expand and prepare for the future when she no longer wishes to do this because I am not shooting her in pantyhose when she hits 80 LOL.

I think this is a pretty good rate too shoot softcore pantyhose and nylon stuff. Plus the work is really simple and my wife and I are extremely laid back.

So I guess I am looking for some sort of direction on this, what I am doing wrong, how do I go about it and where are some good places to search.

Any advice would be really cool.

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