Originally posted by Odie
Hey that looks like my fridge!!!!!
did u get enuff burgers or what???
and what's with the phone calls???? dude I was so sleeping!!!!
Me and your fridge became close friends over the weekend, but sadly I had to break it off when he ran out of brown and green bottles...
Burgers were great, Brad can rock the grill, anyone when you go to Toronto let Brad and Odie BBQ for ya!! Odie also makes some fucking kick ass drink, thanks for those girlie..
The phone calls... we made phone calls? After being at a strip club for about 4 hours and having an open bar it's kind of hard to remember what happened after lol.......
Actually we were calling cuz we knew we left some booze there and wanted to get it, we did not want to quit the party. Hank really wanted that bottle of Jack, but after you told all of us to fuck off about 10 times and after about 6 calls we gave up! Note to everyone, do not call Odie at 4am drunk looking for booze, she gets mean!!!!
It all worked out, we went back to the hotel and I had a stash of booze there anyways!!
Thanks for everything Brad and Odie, and sorry about the calls lol