Originally posted by ContentGuy Derek
Thanks MR X I will messager to tranfer files. But let's say I want to email 50 pics how camn you do that?
In that case the easiest thing to do is to use winzip to group them together and then just attach the zip to the email. Pretty easy to do. BUT with eamil you have other things to think of... depending on your provider you are virtually certain to have some limits on the maximum size of an email. Anything over 1MB in size is pretty iffy. So if your 50 pics are over that size (probable) you might just as well forget about winzip and attach the actual pics in batches of 10 or so per email. Don't try to go right to 1mb (or whichever limit is applicable) because the encoding used in email actually ends up with the email being larger than the sum of it's parts. The email limits are usually applied to sendind AND recieving emails too. I have a really high limit on my email ( I think it's 10mb) but my friend has a limit of 1mb on outgoing mail.
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