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Old 04-28-2003, 03:44 AM   #18
wsjb78 should edit this
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Hmmm, just some more hints:

1.) Using ICQ - You can drag and drop and transfer whole folders by ICQ when you drag the folder from Windows Explorer to the other contact on your list.

2.) Setting up Lan:

First of all a router is not really necessary but it will ensure that you're operating in the same subnet mask.

Equipement you need:
1 Hub or Switch
2 Network Cables (straight)
if you wanna use a router you obviously need also a router and one more network cable (straight)

Connection (with router):
- Connect your router to the switch/hub with a cable. Use the switch's or hub's UPLINK port
- Connect your two computers to the switch / hub. Make sure to not use the first or last port (depending on where your uplink port is).
I guess you have this working so far....

Now, you have to make sure in your Control Panel / System that both computers belong to the same workgroup (it's not necessary but it makes life a lot easier). Meaning if you installed on both pc the same windows language you should have settled this already.

now comes the tough part. What are you using? W2k? Win98? WinME? Win XP? Because for each system has a different user management... but basically you will need to make user accounts for other people (or if username / pwd is the same as the login on each one you don't need to do that). Then you will have to give those users access to files and folders...
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