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Old 04-28-2003, 02:27 PM   #13
Dwreck should edit this
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This is what I wanted to hear good stuff guys! I argee 100% with you Lisa. You are a class act!

I like what pornjester said and that's what I meant.

Macattack said it well also. "I've never heard of any of the women in this industry say that they just sit back and watch the money roll in. They do work hard. But I also know that if I ever need a sales rep, I would definetly give an advantage to a smart good looking woman, over a smart good looking man."

Im just saying that being a girl in this industry must have it's perks some days more so than being a dude.

Lisa what are some of the dissavanteges?

And for me my greatest help have been from girls in this Industry. Cydnee from Adult Chamber, Louisa from Lightspeed, Magick herslef back in the day, Susan from couples-sex.com, Twinkley, Karen from adultspin.com, Kristin from montercock project, Alisa from large cash, Webgurl, Shan from piecash, Elisa and Caroline from platinum bcuks, Whitney from megapornbucks, Jenice from nastbucks, Kit from adultnetsurprise . Laurel from Hustler, Ellie from webmasterparadise, Allison from host4porn, Marsha from Ratedhot, Shaw cutie, Ali from Sextracker, LauireX from Falconphoto, Kath from Kilxxx, Jen from freenetpass, Odie from adultpaymaster, and I wouldnt be where I am today with out Sniper aka Aleks my boss. So I agree girls do rock !
Derek*Dwreck* Smout
Head of Sales and Marketing
ICQ 165-976-549
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