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Old 04-29-2003, 03:08 PM   #21
Odie should edit this
traffic?? what's that??
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Originally posted by LAJ
You know Derek... I kind of have to disagree with ya dude... I think yes, women get a lot more attention in our industry, but they have to work A LOT harder at getting respect as opposed to a guy.

I agree! Being the newbie girl in the industry and having attended 2 shows recently, I totally had to work my butt off to gain any respect.
Coming from the "corporate " world, I had my degrees and experience to back me in attaining respect from men in the industry but being in the porn industry, we are scrutinized and watched a lot more than the male webmaster.

For example, being in Phoenix, I met a few webmasters who, initially thought I was content and actually asked me if I was and who I worked for. So, we may get more attention, but we have to work harder at getting the respect that we want and deserve but the hardest part is maintaining it
AVN Odie
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