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Old 04-29-2003, 06:04 PM   #25
Shann should edit this
Queen Bish
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Aww Derek you are such a cutie!

I have found that I've had to work harder b/c I'm a woman and not content, being at a sausage party where 2 girls are going at is and being the only woman clothed, is a bit intimidating. Trying to talk business to a guy who only stares at your tits, is a but lame too.

When I've been asked if I do content or if i'd like to, I politely say no. I'm not offended, but I how many times does that happen to guys in the biz? Not near as much as it does to women I'm sure.

I intitally had to fight harder to get the respect I deserved because I was a woman and a mom, porn was not for me I was told (i was doing admin work at a porn company at the time). But when i was put in the position i wanted, i busted my ass and proved them that i was the "man" for the job.

Now, i feel like i'm an equal, and I can easily blow off the "show us your tits" comments on boards! lol

And Derek you are so cute, you would have my business just based on that!


Buy my shirts or I'll cut you!
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