My daughter is a Lizzie fan - my son USED to have a crush on her (he says until she became a "trashy ho" - his words - lol) awhile back. We watch a lot of the Disney Channel and I agree, I'm a fan of the show as well. I think it's great for the kids - always a positive message.
As for her singing? It's getting better - but she still has a long way to go before she's the next Britney in anything. It's funny - never drew a line between the two on the Disney/blonde/actress-turned-popstar thing before, but yeah - it could happen.
We were going to see the movie this weekend, but my daughter and I spent it painting her bedroom PURPLE - lol A lot of work but actually a lot of fun spending some good bonding time with her. They grow up SO fast! We will probably see it next weekend. Should be pretty good - all shot on location in ROME - even if the storyline ends up stinking. lol