Originally posted by Darin
I know who wears the pants in Firehorses house!!! mUAHAHAHA!!!
Hahaha - I'll tell you now: NO ONE! hehehe -= in fact i think most of the time we don't wear any clothes AT ALL hehehehehehe
On a serious note:
on of the hardesrt things I found in this industry was just getting a fair break when i stated out - because I was a content model - I even had webmasters who were talkign to me on ICQ ask if they could call me on the phone just to make sure i REALLY was a female LOL
There was a HUGE debate over my identitty at a couple of the (then) big boards - especially as my friend Teen Angel also appeared on the scene at the same time
Ppl believed that it was actually a guy posting as two different girls LMAO
well I think I certainly proved them all wrong in Vegas hehehe
Now that ppl have gotten over the whole "is kitty real?" stage - I don't seem to have any major problems - of course I still get the occasional guy who'll ICQ me every night to talk shit and try to take up all my time - but i soon add them to the invisble list LOL
and yes I still get referred to as "babe, Dear, Beautiful, sweety, love, hon, gorgeous " and whatever terms of endearment ppl liek to use
I don't take any offence to it at all
I'd be offended if they were saying " hey bitch!" LMAO
I think it really depends on the individual female as to wheteher they do well in this biz or not - as has already been stated it's like any other industry really
I put in a lot of work and long hours - anyone who has me on their ICQ list can SEE that lol
I don't expect to be treated any different just coz I am a woman - I put in the hours I do the work and at the end of the day hopefully make a few bucks.
I'm just another webmaster...
but with a cute butt