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Old 09-20-2002, 12:44 PM   #45
=^..^= should edit this
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Wow congratualtions !!!

I am very happy for the 3 of you

You all have lots to look forward to !

FB if you feel at any time like chatting to someone about babies- I'm right here all 8 months pregnant and just about ready to pop - it still amazes me - so I can only say that you have NO idea how amazing it is going to be
It's really great at this stage when you are all excited and it's new - but just wait until later on - when you feel baby's first kicks - and turning - even hiccups sometimes! Nothing you've ever experineced can prepare you for it - get ready for the time of your life - it's great!!!!!!!!

Chris you're going to love it too! When you rest your head on Steph's belly to listen and suddenly and get kicked ! hehehe

If you guys need any information or anythign- links to some good websites etc - hit me up ICQ 123958265
I don't think I've ever surfed so much in my life - but there's SO much to know - you just want to know what's happening every step of the way!

Once again congratualtions to both of you - and who knows maybe one day when we all meet up our little ruggies can hang out !

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