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Old 05-06-2003, 12:30 PM   #11
Feynman should edit this Edit
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Originally posted by Funbrunette

My family had a rough time understanding at first, but I explained everything and assured them I would never be content.

My brothers enjoy the free passwords...LMAO!!!

So it's OK to have a son who jacks-off at pictures of naked girls but a major sin to have a daughter who provides images for the honourable sons of the world to jack-off to ?


I'm not attacking your family dear Steph, just pointing out the contradiction and the double standard. My family reacts the same as yours, but being a guy, and not a hunk, the question never emerged of me turning "content".

My mother accepts what I do yet keeps warning me against those "evil people of this slimy world". For her, it borders on prostitution, organized crime, and the world of drugs.

She never questionned the fact that prostitution is giving value for money, something that most groups ranting about prostitution does not deliver...

Usually, double standard don't kill you quickly but they make your life miserable.

I know of one frequent, star poster on this forum, in his mid-thirties, who confessed to never have told his mother. He's been in the business for many years. I don't blame him for the bigotry of his parents, who I'm sure are fine people otherwisely. We unfortunately have to live with this bigotry on a day to day basis. As least, I do.

In my personnal circle of friends, I know only of one woman who is enthusiastic about what I do. Men tend to be enthusiastic about them getting free passwords, but would never want to get associated with it either. They want to keep their image "clean".

We are far from Italy where a whore and porn star can present herself in a general election and get elected at the parliement ! (Cicciolina)

I guess, the common fallacy, etched into us on the past four decades, that the male is intrinsically an agressor and the other common fallacy, that women are intrinsically evil, etched into us for 2000 years, dies pretty hard. No matter what conscious beliefs are held, unconscious beliefs catch you in moments where you expect it less.

interesting article:

Italy struggles to come to grips with the Madonna-whore complex
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