Originally posted by Darin
Yeah theres more, the new one has SEX baby! Thats right!
Go put a religious theme behind that one Feynman!
Sex babies ? As in kiddie porn ?
I dunno about the new movies (apart from the trailers), but the old one DID have a strong Christian metaphor imbedded within.
As I said (do you read my posts completely?

), it was mainly distraction. Make lotsa noise here so you can slip a hundred million dollars idea through the front door. That was good.
More generally speaking, the effects in the movie blew my mind. But now, it's old news, since everybody copied it. I could remember at least a dozen TV commercials having used ideas coming from the original movie. Bullet time and frozen-time circular pan among the most common. TGYF restaurants, car advertisement, Sears advertisement, etc. You see a new one like that every two months.
At the first viewing, I was flabbergasted by the effects, wondering "how did they do that ?"