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Old 05-08-2003, 12:26 PM   #5
Evil Chris
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Originally posted by taboo_gal
Thanks, Carrie.

You've been a great help.

Anyone else have thoughts on this? Agree? Disagree?

Thanks again!
I can only echo most of the statements already made. Booths go for $5000 per 10x10. The 10x10 booths are normally buried in the back of the show floor, with the huge 80x80 booths taking up the front and center spaces.

Last time I had a booth it was a 10x20 with a decent location, but it's true that everything (and I mean everything) is extra. Power, lighting, furniture, cleaing services (you need to keep your booth clean), internet access... etc.. It all adds up.

There are a lot of people now who only get a booth so that they may throw an "official" Internext party and have their party included on all the pamphlets and guides that are associated with the show.

Still, I think that if you have a good marketing plan, and you follow it wisely, a booth is still a good thing to go for at any of the major shows in our business.

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