The meeting rooms really *would* be a nice idea and they could be done at the Vegas show, but not at the Internext show. There's just not enough room. Heck there's barely room for you and your stuff in those little booths.
The "focus" of the Florida show was to scale things down and put everyone on an even playing level, with smaller (supposedly more business-focused) booths and everyone having the *same* booth size.
Yet when everyone got onto the floor in Florida, what did we find? Companies with the space of three, four, even five booth slots making a much bigger display and impression than everyone else. The entire idea of everyone being on the same level had been tossed out the window.
Chris hit it on the head - if you want to have an "official" internext event, you *must* get a booth (AVN rules). Whether you want one or not. Chris is it the same if you want to simply co-sponsor an event?