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Old 05-12-2003, 07:23 AM   #1
ATO should edit this
Citizen X
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: denmark
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Thumbs up 20% discount on ATOScripts.com for the rest of May

20% on all scripts is not all we have to offer. We have reduced the price on our Language Filter from $200 to $100, and with the discount you can buy it for only 80$!!!

The filter can help you sort your traffic. Why spend expensive bandwidth on traffic from countries that you know won't result in a sale?

Or maybe you have other reasons why you want to sort your traffic on language?

We also offer several other timesaving scripts, all with the special discount.

Check out:
  • 'ATO Trade'. Our trade script that can handle up to 10 sites at once. A true time - and money saver.
  • 'Gallery Admin' to see how easily you can manage your galleries, or other traffic that needs rotation.
  • 'Gallery Maker' to see how easily you can create tons of different galleries in few secounds.
  • 'Gallery Maker (Movie)' to see how easily you can create tons of different movie galleries in few seconds.

To get the discount all you have to do is to follow this link:


Please notice that the offer is time-limited and ends the 31 of May.

Thank you for reading through this post. Hope to hear from you soon.

Best regards
Peter - ATOScripts.com
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