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Old 05-12-2003, 11:33 AM   #14
Evil Chris
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Websitebilling seemingly flew too high, too fast from what I've seen over the past 4 months or so.

They are late making payments to affiliates, and/or are making partial payments in an attempt to do what they can to stay afloat.

The reason they are doing this is because they were letting WAY too many sales go through. ie.. they were hardly scrubbing, and therefore the fraud level was very high. As a result of this, they had an unacceptable number of chargebacks and must have been fined by the Credit Card companies and/or banks.

Every indication I have received from both WSB and the Triplexcash guys in LA is that they *will* resolve everyone's balance outstanding. That's the information I have at this time anyway.

That being said, Triplexcash is about to release a new version of it's affiliate program using cascading processors and our own stats. We'll also be cutting the cheques directly so no more worrying about logging into WSB or CCBill for your stats. You'll get them directly from us. We're inches away from this being completed and ready for webmasters.

Our Experience Payze
chris at payze.com | ICQ 342827
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