The one thing you get from a booth, that you dont get walking around is brand recognition. Every will walk the floor at least once, and usually more during a show, even the florida show. Every single set of eyes there will see your product name. There is no way (at least at the bigger shows) to introduce yourself and your product to EVERY SINGLE PERSON at the show. It just cant be done .... Too many people, not enough time. With a booth tho, people see your brand name, are more likely to come up to you out of the blue and start asking about your product, and will take your literature/shwag to look over later.
Plus, you get an area that is all yours to do with as you will. You can brand your product, have somewhere to hang out and sit with people to discuss your product, you have the option of setting up computers to display your product right there on the show floor.
Having a booth is really what you make of it though - same as walking around the show. If you are just there to party, your not gonna get any biz done anyways, so why have a booth? If you are there to hardcore do business, and get your brand name out there, a booth will definitely help!
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