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Old 05-12-2003, 09:03 PM   #17
Addict should edit this
WebsiteBilling Hater
Join Date: May 2003
Location: United States
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Evil Chris -

I actually talked to Paolo last year before TripleX went live, and he was very confident in the accounting at WSB (very nice guy by the way). He did say that they just grew a bit too fast for their britches.

Unfortunate, because I would have stayed with them if they would have just given me a reason to. I finally talked to Nicholas Brack (CFO WSB) on Thursday, and immediately wired me about $1,500 (seemed like a sincere guy) - but it was still about $450 short of what they owe me for March. I had to call Carmen again today to let her know of the discrepency - and she put me off saying she would get back with me.

Well, after talking to her about 50 times, I do not trust her or Roxanne (Accounting Manager, WSB) at all.

In my opinion - I will not get that $450 - and I'll be lucky to get any more of the $3,000 they still owe (as it is growing every day).

I would advise everyone to stay away from this company as a biller. It is way too much of a headache prying money out of them.

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