there susre was some helpful information shared in this thread...
I haven't yet been to any of the conventions...
I will be at the Internext - Florida - Aug. 2003
I look forward to meeting many of you...
does anyone have a resource for having
a small order of shirts done ??
do most folks hand out business cards ??
do you really save the business cards you get ??
does anyone have a scanned copy of their business
card to share here ??
do you have to get permission from anyone to hand
out literature, cards or gifts to attendees as you
walk around ??
what's the best car rental place near the convention site ??
how far is the airport from the convention location ??
do you go to the convention a few days early ??
do you stay a few days longer ??
do you book the same hotel for the before and after days ??
which major sponsors are actually located within 5 hours
drive of the Floriday convention location ??
oh and - to XXXManager - in regards to your question
about whether you should get a booth or not...
I don't know about that - - - but your product sure
sounds interesting... I would like more information
about it... and do you have an affiliate program...
and do you have buttons webmasters can put
on their webmaster pages to promote your program ??
which boards are in your db rotation ??
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