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Old 05-13-2003, 11:18 AM   #22
Bell should edit this
Citizen X
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Dayton, Ohio - - - (currently)
Posts: 28
xBucks: 20


that was quick...

XXXManager - I would like to see the cards layed out so I can
see the fronts of each... not necessarily one per pic...
lay them out like a classified ads section in the newspaper
a bunch of little blocks... (smile) and close enough I can
read all of it...

and I want to see YOUR card...

and especially separate out those that you mentioned as
your favorite designs and put those all in one picture
so I can SEE what you see... (smile...)

hope I'm not being a pain...

I love looking at business cards...
not quite sure why...
I've done that since I was in grade school...
I think it had something to do with my daddy
having me at age 11 or so hand write his home phone
number on his company cards... (smile)

that info will absolutely be HELPFUL to me...
thank you for sharing...
I look forward to hugging you at the convention...

I must get that neat tool at: BoardTracker.com

thanks twinkley sweet... that is helpful info...

do those t-shirt folks also do airbrushed shirts ??

what's the top 5 things you need to do to get ready for the
Internext - Florida (Aug. 2003) ??

are people allowed to use those luggage carriers on wheels and
use those as they walk around the floor space ??

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