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Old 05-14-2003, 12:45 PM   #1
Sharpie should edit this
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Arrow Airline rates for Cybernet

Airline fare update......

A real mixed bag. Some up, some down - but found more nonstops than before.

LAX - $397 nonstop (up)
NY/Newark $187 to $193 nonstop (down)
So. Florida - $325 nonstop (up)
Atlanta - $229 - (down)
Chicago - $229 nonstop (same)
Detroit - $210 nonstop (down)

As far as SARS - In Quebec, approx 1,500 people die from colds and phenomia every winter - 5 from SARS. (and they were elderly people) 0 from US - it has been the target of a 'slow news day & grossly overrated. It has cost the travel industry huge dollars - and changed the way people live WAY TOO MUCH!

Time to get back to living life!
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