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Old 05-14-2003, 02:18 PM   #27
Kath should edit this
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Hey...a Klixxx Magazine card! Very cool

I think some very good advice has been given in this thread offering ALL sides of info re: shows. However, I do have to agree with Carrie's original post stating that if you haven't attended an Internext before, you really SHOULD attend one first before doing a booth on your own. Cyndalie's cool offering of booth-sharing is a neat idea if you really want to touch your toes in the water without diving in head first. There are a LOT of things to consider when doing a booth that most people don't even think of on their own.

Keep asking questions - like you did here - and you'll get all the details you need to put on a killer booth at an upcoming show. Knowledge is power and in this case - it's a money-saver too!

Good luck!

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