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Old 05-15-2003, 12:06 AM   #2
Mister X
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Default Re: Airline rates for Cybernet

Originally posted by Sharpie
Airline fare update......

As far as SARS - In Quebec, approx 1,500 people die from colds and phenomia every winter - 5 from SARS. (and they were elderly people) 0 from US - it has been the target of a 'slow news day & grossly overrated. It has cost the travel industry huge dollars - and changed the way people live WAY TOO MUCH!

Time to get back to living life!
Actually as far as I know ZERO people have died in Quebec from SARS. There were some suspected/probable cases at one point a couple weeks ago but the only deaths in Canada were in Toronto.

As a matter of fact I did some research and it turns out that not only were there no deaths in Quebec there were never any actual cases!

6 suspect cases

British Columbia
4 probable and 44 suspect cases

New Brunswick
2 suspect cases

139 probable and 121 suspect cases.
23 deaths.
Transmission has been limited to specific transmission settings such as households, hospitals and specific community settings.
Prince Edward Island
4 suspect cases

1 suspect case

Check this page for a little info: http://www.cbc.ca/news/indepth/backg...ars_cases.html
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