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Old 05-16-2003, 11:00 AM   #4
Bruno Dickman
Bruno Dickman should edit this
Adult Webverything!
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(CTRL+V from my post on another board)

Adamneve, I think that there are some things going on that will slow the entrance of people in the biz from now on...

For instance, the advent of sponsor hosted galleries kill the zillions of gallery submitters out there, Bigger affiliate programs pay more in terms of % because they have more volume so smaller ones have a hard time to get going, Adult Design is thankfully getting more advanced and many companies won´t be able to keep the quality level required.... the industry is becoming more professional.

Even though more tons of people in the biz right now, less people will make quick and easy money, so they will end up leaving or becoming inexpressive. The size of the pie will get bigger (IF WE STOP GIVING SO MUCH FOR FREE) and the shares will be big enough for companies that know what they are doing.

Take care,

Bruno Dickman
work hard. play hard.

MSN brunodickman at hotmail.com
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