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Old 05-18-2003, 11:23 PM   #8
Bruno Dickman
Bruno Dickman should edit this
Adult Webverything!
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Originally posted by Feynman
I think this is a useless statement. There is an easy answer to that one: because to the people doing it, it PAYS to do so. No outfit that doesn't make profits stays in business for long. If they do it, it's because in their specific market, they make more money out of doing it.

Sorry, but I have a different view on this subjext Feynman.

IMHO this is predatory business - its like cutting out all trees of the planet to make furniture and paper instead of growing your own trees. Its like throwing toxic waste on a river, building industries without air filters. It is, in a more specific term, making money while destroying the environment. Its short term oriented and it sure can make them more money in THIS quarter, But... its not the way I would go for it.

I may be wrong, but I'll always think that there's too much free porn out there.

Take care,

work hard. play hard.

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