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Old 09-21-2002, 09:24 AM   #7
AWolf should edit this
Citizen X
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This thread caught my attention enough to register.

krosh - What do you mean by compliant? Most kids have their parents credit card # memorized, .htaccess is easy to crack, and you don't have to be 18 to get a credit card, but the legal precedent is that by using an AVS you have made a reasonable effort to keep minors out.

What do you mean by are they a good business model? The AVS concept has been profitable for about 7 or 8 years now. Some of the newer AVSes are using unproven methods and that will work itself out. I make my money with AVS and to me there are some creditability issues with using uncensored hardcore pictures in a site tour and then on the join page having a claim that AVS "X" is being used because we're trying to protect minors from porn or using the 'protecting' sales pitch at all on a premium up sell. AVS is a proven business model but weather or not it is a "good" business model depends on your personal ethics.

Last edited by AWolf; 09-21-2002 at 09:31 AM.
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