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Old 05-19-2003, 09:55 AM   #10
Mister X
Mister X should edit this
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Originally posted by Bruno Dickman
For instance, the advent of sponsor hosted galleries kill the zillions of gallery submitters out there

Take care,

Bruno Dickman
To be honest I have a problem with the people that say that this is a good thing for the industry. It has the potential to be a BAD thing I think.

There are a few million (at least) surfers out there looking for free porn. So there are 2 reasons I think that the hosted-galleries might not be the Holy Grail. First: As the hosted galleries become more and more common they start to become very repetitive, and in fact boring. Most of the galleries I have seen are cookie cutter clones of each other. There are exceptions, but not many. The key to actually getting signups is to get the surfer's interest not to bore them into buying porno vids from the local adult bookstore.
Second: The more that hosted galleries start to displace submitted galleries on tgps, etc. the harder it is for new programs and sites to break into the market. Anything that stifles competition is bad for ANY market. Bangbus was a phenomenally successful site that started on a shoestring and made Oxcash a player. I'm not saying that the guys that started it didn't have a decent amount of capital. BUT it's doubtful that that would have happened if they had to start up with a bunch of hosted galleries and start competing with the major programs right off the bat to get the tgps to start using those galleries.
Actually there is a third reason that it would be a bad thing. If hosted galleries are the only galleries used by the big tgps all it's going to do is cause all those submitters to start their own tgps in a market that is already saturated.

The truth of the matter is that there is NO magic solution to make free porn go away. New things come out all the time and the market adjusts and compensates, but nothing really changes.
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