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Old 05-19-2003, 10:44 AM   #11
Bruno Dickman
Bruno Dickman should edit this
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Mister X, I agree with you on that subject. Sponsor hosted galleries increase the barriers of entrance in the adult online business. All TGPs will end up offering the exact same free content to their surfers if they use the same sponsors. (and I didnt mean to say the advent of hosted galleries is a good thing - its just something that can be good for some and bad for others).

But then, if you think about it for a second, it could be good for the new blood. TGP owners would like to list sponsor hosted galleries that no one has, so new sponsors (with enough capital to be able to offer hosted galleries) could be able to start get some decent traffic since their day one.

Business today is complex, dynamic and ambiguous. An event doesn´t lead to a simple cause-effect answer. There are always good things and bad things about the same event (or fact) - some people will see the good side of it, some will see the bad side of it. Its always a matter of perspective.

I think this thread kicks major ass because people are disagreeing on many subjects - and this brings new brain food for everyone reading. It would suck if everyone was agreeing with what the other guy is saying wouldnt it?

I would love to hear everyone´s opinions and visions about the future of the industry and what we could do together to shape it the way WE want it. If there´s so much free porn out there, there could be two different reasons for it. 1) The industry is OK with it, or 2) The industry is too busy on everyday tasks and is letting this "problem" take over.

What do you guys and gals think?

Take care,

work hard. play hard.

MSN brunodickman at hotmail.com
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