Originally posted by luke
I agree with StuartD, I think a lot of people were expecting it to be something and it turn out to be something else. I've seen it once (so far) and I really liked it. I think it makes you start thinking a lot more about the whole thing. Is the "real world" with Zion just another matrix? I've given up trying to figure it out and will just wait on the last one.
I want to see it again just to hear the scene in the construct again. Too many big words all at once, haha. Maybe I'll just download it. :-)
It would be a bit too easy to have the Matrix be inside another Matrix. It's too predictable, and it's been used before (13th Floor). BTW, for those who are planning on going, stay until the end of the credits, the trailer for the Matrix3 is show. (ahah to all the suckers who left before the end of the credits!)
I thought the movie was pretty good. Good action, good pacing. Dialogue was pretty weak though. I know there are lots of meanings to these dialogues, but right now they are just trying to sound deep and it doesn't work. I should go back and try to think about all the different meanings (first time was mainly watching the effects). Btw, the scene where neo and trinity have sex is damn long and boring!