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Old 09-21-2002, 12:55 PM   #20
Rox should edit this
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Being a half-Sicilian girl from the East Coast, one of the things I think I love the most about the Sopranos is that I can SO totally relate to the family issues (and the "Family" issues, too!). And there's just something about those macho Italian Guidos that'll never NOT be attractive, regardless of my knowing on an intellectual level that they're usually hot-headed, dangerous pricks and philanderers whose shady dealings endanger anyone they associate with. For myself, the attraction can likely be categorized as 50% hots for the Bad Boys and 50% "I want a guy just like the guy who married (and divorced) dear old Mom." Besides, I like big noses!

One thing about the show that I especially LOVE is that everyone uses the proper pronunciations for things like mozzarella, cappicolla and ricotta ("mootzarrrelle, gobigoll and rigawtt!"). I've lost my East Coast accent almost entirely, but when it comes to Italian words, I remain a purist.

Meadow can call her dad whatever she likes. Though he might be supremely pissed and go off on her, I'd be willing to bet that he'll never once admit to anything. It's the only way to protect the ones you love when you're in the Family business.
~ Rox ~
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