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Old 09-21-2002, 01:35 PM   #24
Rox should edit this
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This is on my home desktop


It's called "CyberGoddess," which just happens to be the name of my company.

I love wallpaper and desktop themes, even though I know they suck up valuable resources. As many hours a day as I spend clickety-clacking away at this box (or the one at work), I enjoy having a little bit of scenery. At work, right now I have a desktop theme from Warcraft III, featuring a big nasty Orc. What's most ironic is that I have never played, and will never play Warcraft (or any other computer game for that matter). In my opinion, the only thing good about games is the graphics! My screensaver comes from another game, EA's "Alice," and stars the Cheshire Cat (which, as I recall, someone is using as an avatar here!). I just LOVE their rendition of that character; tattooed and pierced... and the bits of gore in his teeth (which aren't even sharp -- kinda weird) are simply too fuckin' kewl!
~ Rox ~
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