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Old 05-21-2003, 02:41 PM   #8
Feynman should edit this Edit
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Sites like that are a disgrace and an insult to responsible firearms users.

She obviously never handled a gun, and displays very unsafe practices.

What is so complicated about finding a girl who knows how to handle a gun for real ? Heck, TEACH her how to shoot and safely handle a gun before the photo session.

I'd blast anybody near me who'd be doing what she did.

Primer on gun safety

1- handle all guns as if they were loaded at all time (unless they're dismanteled for maintenance), even if you "know" they are not. Many people were killed or injured because they too "knew" the gun was "unloaded"...

2- always aim in a safe direction and keep positive control of it (i.e. that you could maintain if it fires) at all time. Both images fail on both points. In one pic, if the gun fires, it'll jump. In the other one, it might break her wrist.

3- never, repeat NEVER put your finger on the trigger (or inside the trigger guard) unless you are already aimed, had just released the safety catch and are about to press the trigger. A finger has NOTHING to do within the trigger guard if it is not to actually shoot.

I've never shot with that kind of gun, so I don't know the additional idiosyncraties about it's handling but there surely are some others. (example: where is the ejection port on this thing? Will the bolt rip girl's boob if it fires?)

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