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Old 05-22-2003, 01:52 PM   #1
shemale-lovers should edit this
Citizen X
Join Date: May 2003
Location: netherlands
Posts: 3
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Lightbulb Become a Shemale Lovers partner

Become a Shemale Lovers partner and start earning money right away, we're making a shedload of cash and you could get your share too!! All you have to do is signup below, there's no cost to you, we'll give you a link to put up on your website and for everyone you send that signs up for a membership at Shemale Lovers we'll pay you $10. and $10 on a Rebill .It really is that simple.

On an average day Shemale Lovers has a signup ratio of about 1:30, which means for every 30 people that visit 1 will signup. The industry average is around 1:400 and gets worse everyday


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