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Old 05-27-2003, 02:51 PM   #3
Rochard should edit this
Funbrunette's BITCH!!!
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What are the current trends in the business? I'm gonna get blasted for this one.

I just spent the week down in Mexico for YP2003, and I noticed something I thought was interesting. It's the marketing people.

A lot of marketing people seem to be moving around a lot recently.

One guy that we do business with has moved around so much in the past year that I'm not sure who he's working for. On top of this, he was so fucked up most of the weekend that he wasn't able to tell us who he's currently workintg for.

Another marketing guy..... a friend.... recenly moved to a new company. He had the damn balls to talk shit about his former employee, saying "they do this" and "they do that". This guy hooked me up with the old company and basically fucked me, but now he wants to me to use this new company. He screwed me once and I won't do anything with him.

I think in the next year we are going to see a huge change in marketing, and the people working in marketing.

I've got more when you guys are ready.
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