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Old 05-27-2003, 03:03 PM   #15
Cyndalie is not it.
Marketing Director / SEO
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Closer ties between sponsor programs and billing/payment solutions are needed badly. Either built in traffic filtering or in depth processor selections for affiliates either based on affiliate preference or payment type according to sufer location. Geotargeting traffic and providing globalized targeted payment solutions to increase customer base.

Everyone is playing pass the buck. MC/Visa are passing to ISPS, ISPS are passing on to webmasters, any whom run a sponsor program are passing of to affiliates.. Believe me you DO NOT want to piss our affiliates off or everyone loses.

2003-2004 is going to be fierce. People are shifting to more opportunistic positions in the biz, let's hope they are the right persons for the job. I dont see these shifts as instability, internet jobs last an average of 2-3 years. These rollovers will be better for our biz I feel because it brings experience & talent to well needed areas, and specialists higher up on the "food chain".

No one has made a million dollars helping webmasters, I think the most expeirenced are burning out on helping newbies which could force newbies to regress to horrible tactits we are happy that are now in the past.

If this business is going to survive, all of us need to focus on what we do best, help guide those in need of help/direction, and not fight regulation so much; it's enivatable.
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