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Old 05-27-2003, 03:32 PM   #24
GrimShawn should edit this
Yeah I called you stupid!
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Wow a lot of it has been covered. Deff the Reality sites, everyone seems to have one now, they deff caught on like a good case of crabs!

Rochard also hit the nail on the head as well, people seem to jump ships from company to company a lot now! It's getting to be like professional sports. Everytime you make a good contact with a company you'll give them a call and they no longer work there, then you'll see posted on a board somewhere "hey i'm now with so and so company!"

I think ego's are getting to be more and more a factor as well. Everyone seems to want to take shots and each other and make a lot of drama! Sure drama sells, but to me in the industry we are in we all need to have each others back more then pointing out who is doing what wrong!

Every show you go to now it's turning more and more into high school type groups, everyone breaks off into there group and talk about what the other groups are doing. I mean I could be wrong, but it seems a lot of people are more concerned with given other people in the industry a hard time more then making new contacts and what new ideas will help everyone make more money!

This has nothing to do with who I work for, it's like that across the board!

I myself think that the reality thing will get played out sooner or later and then the more amateur looking self made site will do really well, kinda something that the end user can relate to and feel they can do themself.
Grim Shawn - ICQ 139682480

That's correct the World Famous GRIM SHAWN!
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