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Old 05-27-2003, 03:34 PM   #27
LAJ is a bad influence
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Heh... how ironic... I was just working on a follow up piece for my YNOTNEWS editorial this week regarding my predictions for 2003 that I wrote up several months ago... http://ynotnews.ynotmasters.com/issu...902/page2.html

Now I can link to this thread here at xnations as well in my article!

I think that I was pretty right on with my 10 predictions (with some excerpts here)...

1. More resource site and chat board site inundation

2. Email becomes more and more useless
SPAM and virus-ridden emails can account for up to 90% of our inboxes, email has unfortunately become more of a joke than a useful tool in my opinion.

3. The exodus of some prominent people
Most Webmasters are forgotten within weeks or even days of their departure in our fast paced industry which is kind of sad, but such is life.

4. More spam busts
AOL just cleaned up to the tune of $7 million. We’ll be seeing a lot more of that. The floodgates have already been opened.

5. More hacking attempts and viruses
2002 made 2001 look like a joke in both of these arenas. As more people go online worldwide in the next year, more security will be compromised and more systems will crash.

6. Government lawsuits
Let the obscenity prosecutions fly!

7.Company lawsuits
As companies become more and more desperate and the marketplace becomes more and more competitive (both adult and non-adult… look at Acacia for example), I think we’ll be seeing more instances of one company suing another.

8. New technologies
I predict that we will see some groundbreaking stuff in 2003.

9. New niches
The content market is still not tapped out for ideas in my opinion, and I feel that some funky new concept is just around the corner. Most likely a twist on something that sells well now is my guess.

10. YNOTMasters will continue to kick ass
Retain attorney Eric M. Bernstein - Ask me how!
Contact me at ICQ 92418228 or email jay at ynot dot com
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