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Old 05-27-2003, 03:35 PM   #29
CumSensei should edit this
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Originally posted by firehorse
Whatever happened to TGP2?
We were just talking about it yesterday.
It was suppose to be the new big thing that would change the industry.
I never hear about it anymore.
Does anyone still do it?
Im not doing it yet but im working on something similar...

I say the pron industry is fucked at the moment..tgps killing the bizz what we do need to make people understand itīs about quality and not quantity. People got 100K tgps but dont make a fucking signups.

I have turned the table around and gone the other way...im going all SE now and forget about the tgp thing...except tgp 2...thats what im working on now.

But you wont see tgp2 sites have 50K a day....but hell I could live with 3K a day with the attitude a tgp2 site have comparing to a tgp1.....fuck the best days where the picpost days..remember them? One picture...the surfer liked it and he signed up. Now the surfers get one site in each gallery...thats fucked up..and people bitch about not making signups.

Another thing me and a few friends have talked about is the abusing word FREE....wtf is FREE...do we wanna give away FREE stuff? No beause then we would not need to even add sponsor links to our damn adds.

FUCK FREE! I never use the wrod free from a few weeks back...I use the word samples....THATS RIGHT SAMPLES!! thats what every gallery are...they are samples...

they are an add...not a way to puke out FREE shit!

Anyway of someone are intressted in my tgp kind of prodject they are welcome to contact me for further info and all I can say that it will take a month or 2 to setup the idea I got but then it will be verry eay to manage....you also need to follow a few small rules we have made me and my friends. Like NOT use the word FREE!

Sorry about this breakout but chris got me surfing here and started this damn thing

Happy chris? =)

Peace to all of ya.

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