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Old 05-27-2003, 03:38 PM   #30
Toolz should edit this
Citizen X
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I'm with Bobby on this one, more "real" reality based porn is definetly in the future, some survivor type stuff, Playboy TV is doing this with Seven Lives Exposed but it's definetly too commercial to be believable. Put 20 people on an island ala Fox, but have it be hardcore, definetly a good idea.

As far as processing aspects go, surfers are 10x more savvy today than they were a year ago. Do I see trial's going away, sure, you first. No one wants to be the first sponsor to jump off the trial and go to straight monthly memberships but I don't see any better option happening.

The best sites recurring wise in the future will probably be the ones offering content above and beyond adult, merging print media with porn.
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