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Old 05-27-2003, 03:43 PM   #32
roger should edit this
Citizen X
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: LA
Posts: 26
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I stick to the basics, build sites that grab the surfers attention then I give them the best deal I can (Porn4aBuck) a full trial for a month.

we release new niches like Cokewhores,stonerbabes etc. for shock value

we keep adding to Pornkings Like Sunny Leone and soon Brittany andrews for exclusive content.

The reality sites seem to be the new trend but they are not uniq anymore. some do well others don't.

Its all about proccessing and Impulse buying. thats what we focus on.

the new trend that seems to be working for us is the Long page format sites. since we don't have tour pages.
I don't want them waiting for pages to load and lose interest so we sell them on one page. its working great for us.
<a href="http://www.pornkings.com/" target="_new">
<img src="http://www.pornkings.com/images/pk_button.gif"></a>

Check out Porn4aBuck traffic back
You control the exits
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