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Old 05-27-2003, 04:06 PM   #19
AcidMaX should edit this
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Well I would say the following people:

1. Q'on (onprobation.com) was really a deciding factor for me geting into this biz and is a great friend to this day. When I had the opening he pushed me into it. Hasn't been an easy ride, but fun!

2. Lee B and a few others. Always gave me great advice and pointed me in the right direction.

3. All my programming customers. Because of them I am making a little money, word out of mouth is fantastic and I appreciate all my customers who spread the word.

4. People like EvilChris and FB who create boards like this for us to spread knowledge on.

There are a lot of people who have given me advice over the last few years, some I hang with and others I don't anymore, but everyone I have talked to who has been in the game and given me some direction has helped me...I listen to just about everyone

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