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Old 05-27-2003, 04:10 PM   #41
McSpike should edit this
Citizen X
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Well there are a few things that are new. There are some I should mention. Like using multilingual sites and foreign/local payment solutions. I have never ever seen a solution of SMS payment on US based paysites or prepaid payment solutions and stuff like that on "big dog" US sponsors. Well this is changing but it's happening outside US.

If you only knew how many non-US signups I get at places where non-US customers can be billed and that's only using credit card solutions. Now talk about other payment solutions. That's a whole new era of new payment solutions and a whole new market out there. So much money just waiting to be collected. While there my be new types of paysites invented, what good can they do if the majority of world-wide market can't pay for it and it's not because they don't have money!

There are many BS stories circulating around european payment options it makes me sick and everyone is pointing on the dialers. Fucken dialers. Europeans like them as much as US customers. Europeans having no credit cards? DUH! Ya right. And what about Asia?

There is a company called Sex Money that saw this gap and saw what ibill, ccbill and all other most common used processors didn't.

I see this as a new thing that will shake and connect the net even more in the coming years than all the paysites with a twist that are coming out each year.

There are so many things yet to be discovered. Internet is at its roots and I feel very good about it, because there are so many opportunities just waiting to be exploited and so much more money to be earned.
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