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Old 05-27-2003, 04:40 PM   #46
Crak_JMan is beautiful
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Nice thread EC,

Many peeps are looking into same areas of trends and I agree about REALITY stuff. There's also many new ways to maximise traffic and many new tools and good programs... LONG LIVE PHP.

Also agree with Bobby R in regards to mainstream vs adult.

I could go on with many new ideas and trends but why let the cat out of the bag ;-)

The trend that is the most important is that if you keep all your time reading boards and posting the get new tricks and make new friends and contact, you will not get things done.

Boards are the best tool for adult webmasters but the bad thing about them to is that they stear webmasters away from the focus of doing new things to make more money ;-) Loads of newbies posting shit as well that are time wasters ;-)

I love boards and spend most of my night time/free time there because it's sooo usefull in information and keeping good bonds with people/friends.

jman@crakcash.com - ICQ: 124588240 - skype: crak_jman
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