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Old 05-27-2003, 05:33 PM   #52
BobbyR should edit this
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Originally posted by virtumike
Wow I see so much stuff here. I think RocHard, Cyndalie, and LAJ are right. But here are my calls:

First, Billing is and will continue to be the single most important aspect of the industry. Someone in the know told me they heard rumors of visa plans to prohibit adult recurring. Not to make anyone panic or anything, but this is GOING to suck if it happens.

Second, the surfers are getting more sophisticated. You can't just fling them like poop at a wall and see what sticks. You have to have compelling paysites or they won't recur. Take my word on this one, they're getting smarter daily and more are finding that elusive cancel button. If you want to retain them you have to pay attention to each one of their specific perversions and give them exactly what they want. If you do they found a home. If not, they're going somewhere else to look for a home.

The days of three page tours are gone. Surfers want to see exactly what they're going to get when they join.

I hope trials go away completely. I have not had trials on any of my main sites since like 1998. I still convert, and I get at least one month up front. This means I can pay out my webmasters more than a trial site, because more money is coming in.

Content is becoming more important. The members areas of many major sites are still crap, but they're getting better. If you don't have good complelling content in your members area, the more sophisticated surfers who have been around the block will see that and they will hit that cancel button before you can even get that confirmation email out.

Broadband feeds will contine to propogate. The high speed surfers will not tolerate crap. They have more money, they pay more money for their connection, and they expect to see better content.

The TGP will continue to dominate the adult traffic game.

More people will buy my content because it really is the best. If you don't buy it, your surfers will not stay yours. You will email me at mike AT virtucon.net for a password.

I see more consolidation in the future. People buying each other out.

Europe will become significantly more relevant to American webmasters. They have strange ways of doing things but their currency is worth more than US dollars.

Geotargeting is the way to go with custom multilingual tours and dynamic billing predictions.

My favorite food will continue to be Thai and I will still be single for a while.

I will be launching a new reseller program in the next couple months that will take into account all factors in the future as I see them. I am known for predicting the future, just wait until you see my visions. You'll be surprised what we can pull off if we know what to do and what to avoid.

I agree with VirtuMike that Thai Food is an excellent choice for lunch or dinner and that trend will most likely continue.
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Last edited by BobbyR; 05-27-2003 at 05:41 PM.
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